
not saying wrong things to people

All people have things that make them mad.  If you never felt anger in life you would not be human.  We all know that not doing something wrong when we are angry is the thing, but actually controlling our words especially can be one of the hardest things in life.

What I think the key is, and doubly so at work, is remembering the last time you had to endure the consequences of loosing what you have because of not controlling your words.  If you’re like me you have lost a job or two in the past by letting a torrent of words loose.  Don’t do it, you will thank yourself when you finally get home and sit down at night.


maybe i’m wrong, but…..

Somebody gave me a VooDoo Doll and it had pins in it’s chest, and so I pulled the pins out and put them in the VooDoo Doll’s hands so as to empower the person who I felt was as deserving as anybody to receive a pardon of some cosmically connected sort.  I’m Christian, but I just felt it was the honorable thing to doo seeing as somebody gave me a VooDoo Doll and I wouldn’t stick pins into a VooDoo Doll at anybody ever.